Most people are lost.
It starts as a low-grade sense of discontent on Sunday evening. A persistent unease that settles in your gut like a bad burrito. A creeping sense of dread as the weekend fades and the workweek looms.
By Sunday night, it's a full-blown symphony of existential angst – the “Monday Morning Misery” – a tidal wave of anxiety that crashes over you, leaving you gasping for air, drowning in the realization that you're about to spend another five days of your precious life trapped in a soul-crushing cycle of obligation and monotony.
You hate Mondays. You hate your job. You hate your boss. You hate the commute. You hate the pointless meetings, the endless emails, the soul-numbing tasks that make you feel like your wasting your life. While your days are melting away that voice in your head keeps asking "what the hell am I doing with my life?“
Friday afternoon arrives, and you’re hit with a great feeling of relief – but it's only a temporary feeling. The weekend offers a brief escape, a chance to numb that inner voice with distractions, to pretend that everything’s okay. But the Monday Morning Misery is always lurking, a shadowy reminder that you’re just delaying the inevitable.
Rinse and repeat. Week after week, month after month, year after year. Until one day you wake up and realize you’ve spent a decade, maybe two, on autopilot, sleepwalking through a life designed by default, not by you.
The Default Trap
The default path is a seductive beast. It promises a life of stability, security, and a socially acceptable form of "success." Go to school, get a degree, land a good job, work your way up the ladder, buy a house, start a family, retire - it's a well-worn script, a formula for a life that's supposed to bring happiness and fulfillment.
Except, for many of us, it doesn't.
We chase those milestones, those external markers of a life well-lived, only to discover an emptiness at the core, a nagging sense that we’re living someone else's story, not our own.
The problem isn’t the milestones themselves. It's the faulty belief that achieving them will automatically unlock happiness, that checking boxes on a pre-determined list will magically reveal our purpose.
It's like buying a Ferrari because you’re *supposed* to want a Ferrari, then realizing you'd rather be cruising down the coast in a beat-up VW van with a surfboard strapped to the roof. You’ve got the car that’s guaranteed to turn heads, but it’s your soul that feels stuck in neutral.
That’s the default trap: mistaking external validation for internal fulfillment.
This isn't about rejecting everything society offers. It's about recognizing that the default path is a choice, not a destiny. It's about understanding that true fulfillment doesn't come from checking boxes on someone else’s list; it comes from discovering your own WHY, your own purpose, your own unique contribution to the world.
It’s about breaking yourself free from the expectations that are holding you back and designing a life that reflects your authentic self.
The Avoidance Game
The system we live in isn’t designed to help us find our purpose. It’s built for conformity. Work hard, consume, keep quiet, pay your taxes and don’t cause any troubles.
It is no wonder you’re feeling lost. Nobody ever thought you how to find out what you really want from life.
The big questions are terrifying:
- What am I truly passionate about?
- What's my purpose?
- What do I really want to do with my life?
Facing those questions can feel overwhelming. It’s easier to stay lost in the comfortable distractions of daily life: the endless scroll of social media, the next Netflix binge, the routine of a job that pays the bills but doesn’t ignite your soul.
The feeling of being lost is deeply uncomfortable. It’s a disorientation, a lack of grounding, a persistent buzz of anxiety that rattles our nervous system. So we develop coping mechanisms. We become masters of avoidance, experts at distracting ourselves from the unsettling truth: we don’t know what the hell we’re doing with our lives.
We numb those big questions with:
- The Social Media Vortex: We scroll through the curated highlight reels of other people’s lives, seeking validation in likes and shares, numbing the emptiness with digital dopamine hits. But those curated squares offer only a distorted reflection of reality, a facade of happiness that obscures the deeper struggles beneath the surface.
- Binge-Watching Oblivion: We lose ourselves in endless streams of entertainment, numbing the mind with stories that provide a temporary escape from the unsettling story of our own lives. But the credits always roll, the screen fades to black, and the question of our own purpose remains unanswered.
- The Cult of Busy: We pack our schedules with obligations, appointments, and activities, frantically trying to outrun the silence, the stillness, the moments of quiet reflection that force us to confront the uncomfortable truth: we’re lost.
- The Paralysis of Perfection: We cling to the familiar, the safe, the well-worn paths, terrified of taking a wrong turn, of making a mistake, of falling flat on our faces. But perfection is an illusion, a mirage that keeps us perpetually stuck in a state of “almost there,” forever chasing a destination that never arrives.
- The Judgment Trap: We’re haunted by the fear of judgment, the fear of not measuring up to the expectations of others, the fear of being seen as a failure, an outlier, a misfit. So we play it safe, suppressing our passions, silencing our dreams, and shrinking ourselves to fit inside the confines of the maze.
- The Terror of the Unknown: The blank canvas is daunting. The open road is terrifying. The vastness of possibility can be paralyzing. So we cling to the familiar, the predictable, the well-worn grooves of the default path, even if they’re slowly crushing our souls.
But here's the truth: you can't outrun yourself. You can’t avoid the answers forever. The feeling of being lost is a signal, a wake-up call from your soul, urging you to break free from the maze and embark on a journey of self-discovery.
The Biology of Being Lost
Turns out, this feeling of being lost is more than just an existential crisis. It’s deeply rooted in our neurobiology.
We’re wired for exploration and innovation. We’re driven by curiosity, passion, and purpose – the intrinsic drivers that fuel our greatest achievements and light up the reward centers in our brains.
Yet, the default path actively discourages these drives. It emphasizes extrinsic motivation – money, status, and approval – which are potent in the short term but often leave us feeling empty and uninspired once those basic needs are met.
It’s like trying to run a marathon on sugar rush. You might get a quick burst of energy, but it won't last. And when that energy fades, you're left depleted, disillusioned, and wondering why you started running in the first place.
This is why so many people feel like they’re living someone else’s life. They’ve traded their intrinsic drivers for extrinsic rewards, their internal compass for a map drawn by society.
The result? A persistent low-grade anxiety, a feeling of disconnection, a nagging sense that something’s missing. It’s the emotional weight of not living up to your full potential, a state of being psychologist William James famously called "the habit of inferiority to our full self“.
This mismatch between who we are and who we're pretending to be creates a state of perpetual dissonance. It triggers a cascade of stress hormones that wreaks havoc on our nervous systems, leaving us feeling perpetually on edge, easily overwhelmed, and prone to burnout.
And it's a trap that’s easy to fall into. We’re bombarded with messages that reinforce the importance of external validation – from social media influencers peddling lifestyles we can't afford to corporate culture celebrating the relentless pursuit of profit. It’s no wonder we’ve lost our way.
Forget Carrots & Sticks
The default path is built on a fundamentally flawed understanding of motivation. It operates on the outdated assumption that we're primarily driven by external rewards: money, status, power, and approval. It’s a system of carrots and sticks.
This isn't to say external rewards are inherently bad. They are essential ingredients for a stable and comfortable life. But they are simply tools, not the source of true fulfillment.
Forget the carrots and sticks. For too long, we’ve been taught that motivation comes from external rewards and punishments. Get good grades, land a high-paying job, earn a promotion – these are the carrots that we’re told to chase. But as research has shown, this approach often backfires. It can extinguish our natural curiosity, crush our creativity, and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled even when we achieve those external goals.
The path to true fulfillment lies in a different direction, one that embraces the power of purpose. Purpose is the fuel that ignites our inner fire. It's the reason we wake up each morning feeling inspired and ready to make a difference. Purpose isn't something we're handed; it's something we discover within ourselves. It's the unique blend of our passions, talents, and values, aligned with a cause that resonates deeply with our souls.
Finding purpose is a deeply personal journey. It might involve dedicating your life to a specific mission, like fighting for social justice or protecting the environment. It could be about pursuing a career that aligns with your passions, like writing, teaching, or creating art. Or it might simply mean living a life of integrity, kindness, and generosity, making a positive impact on your family, friends, and community.
The benefits of living a purpose-driven life are profound:
- Meaning and Fulfillment: Purpose gives your life a sense of meaning. You're not just existing; you're contributing to something that matters deeply to you. This can lead to a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
- Resilience and Perseverance: Purpose is a powerful motivator that helps us persevere through challenges and setbacks. When you believe in the bigger picture, you're more likely to keep going, even when things get tough.
- Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Purpose unlocks our creativity and inspires us to think outside the box. When we're driven by something meaningful, we're more likely to come up with innovative solutions and take risks.
- Stronger Relationships: Purpose can foster deeper and more meaningful relationships. When we share a common purpose with others, we feel connected, supported, and inspired.
- Greater Well-being: Purpose-driven living has a profound impact on our overall well-being. People who find purpose in their lives tend to experience greater happiness, lower stress levels, and better physical health.
The pursuit of purpose is not a quick fix or a magic bullet. It's a lifelong journey of exploration, discovery, and commitment. But the rewards are immense, leading to a more fulfilling, impactful, and meaningful life.
7 Steps To Find Your Purpose
If your vision for the future—your life's work, aspirations, or purpose—feels unattainable, it can lead to inaction and hesitation. Uncertainty breeds anxiety, making it difficult to move forward. However, a well-defined plan brings clarity, and clarity fuels action.
Complexity is the enemy of execution. That is why want to bring clarity to finding out what you want in life.
Lets break it down into 7 easy steps:
Step 1 Relax - Your Existential Crisis Isn't That Special
The first step to finding your purpose is to stop running from it.
Obsessing over the question, “What’s my purpose?” is like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. It’s a recipe for frustration, overwhelm, and a whole lot of unproductive mental masturbation. In fact you won’t be able to think clearly in that state.
The truth is, most people are just as lost as you are. They’re just better at hiding it.
Even thinking about the question of your purpose in life puts you ahead of most everyone. That already is a big accomplishment. You are taking responsibility for your own life and you take charge to create your best version of yourself.
Here’s how to start:
- Identify Your Distractions: Become ruthlessly aware of the ways you’re avoiding the discomfort of feeling lost. Are you constantly scrolling through social media, seeking validation in the digital void? Are you numbing your mind with endless streams of entertainment, drowning out the whispers of your soul with the noise of others’ stories? Are you addicted to the cult of busy, packing your schedule to avoid the stillness that forces you to confront the truth?
- Embrace the Silence: Create space for self-reflection. Carve out time each day to be alone with your thoughts, to sit with the discomfort of not knowing, to journal your feelings without judgment. This is where the real work begins: in the quiet spaces, in the moments of introspection, in the stillness of your own being.
- Put yourself in a peak state: Clarity requires the right mindset. You need to feel relaxed, safe, and curious. If you’re stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, you’re not going to get the answers you seek. So, hack your state. Go for a run. Listen to music that moves your soul. Take a cold shower. Meditate. Do whatever it takes to shift your neurochemistry and prime your mind for creative exploration.
This confrontation can be terrifying. The fear of the unknown is a powerful force, pulling us back towards the familiar, the comfortable, the well-worn grooves of the default path. But resist the urge to escape. This discomfort is a signal that you are growing.
Step 2 Be Curious - Unleash Your Inner Weirdo
Forget about “finding your purpose” for now. That’s a mountain we’ll climb later. Let’s start with something a little less daunting: uncovering your curiosities.
Start by writing down twenty-five things you’re curious about. And by curious, all I mean is that if you had a spare weekend, you’d be interested in reading a couple of books on the topic, attending a few lectures, and maybe having a conversation or two with an expert.
Grab a notebook and pen. Find a quiet space where you can let your mind wander without interruption. Now, write down 25 things you're genuinely curious about. Don't overthink it, don’t censor yourself, and don’t worry about sounding “practical” or “realistic.” Just let your mind roam free and see what catches its attention.
Here are a few prompts to get you started:
- What topics do you find yourself gravitating towards in conversations, even if you don’t know much about them?
- What documentaries, articles, or books have left you wanting to learn more?
- What skills would you love to master, even if they seem completely impractical? (Want to learn to fly a helicopter or speak fluent Klingon? Write it down.)
- What mysteries of the universe keep you up at night?
- What problems in the world make you feel angry, sad, or inspired to take action?
Still struggling to fill your list? It's time to dive into the digital archives of your mind. Your online activity is a treasure trove of clues about your hidden passions.
- YouTube History: Scroll through your watch history. What kind of videos are you drawn to? Are there recurring themes, creators, or topics that keep popping up?
- Podcast Subscriptions: Take a look at your podcast library. What shows do you listen to religiously? What guests, topics, or conversations make you hit “download” without hesitation?
- Reading List: Peruse your bookshelf, Kindle library, or those saved articles you've been meaning to read. What genres, authors, or subjects make your heart beat a little faster?
Example: Let’s say your YouTube history reveals a fascination with astrophysics, ancient civilizations, and the science of creativity. You’ve also bookmarked a bunch of articles on sustainable living, permaculture, and the future of food. These are your initial curiosities, the raw materials for your exploration.
Step 3 Explore - Follow The Energy
You’ve unearthed your curiosities. Now it’s time to dig a little deeper.
Analyze your list and look for the intersections, the areas where multiple curiosities overlap. Those intersections, those collisions of interest, are often where genuine passions reside.
Here’s how to explore those fertile grounds:
- Choose Your Adventure: Select one or two of these intersections that feel most compelling and commit to exploring them further.
- Daily Exploration: Dedicate 20-30 minutes each day to immersing yourself in the world of your chosen curiosities. Read books, articles, or blogs. Listen to podcasts or watch documentaries. Have conversations with experts or join online communities.
- The Energy Audit: Pay attention to your energy levels, your excitement, and the natural flow of your attention. The topics that hold your interest, the ones that make time melt away, the ones that leave you feeling energized and inspired - those are the gold mines, the potential passions that will fuel your purpose.
As you delve deeper, your brain will automatically start to make connections. It’s a process called “incubation,” where your subconscious mind works behind the scenes, weaving together the threads of your interests and experiences, creating a new set of possibilities.
Remember, this process takes time. You’re excavating the depths of your being, unearthing passions that may have been buried for years. Be patient. Be persistent. Trust the process.
Step 4 Visualize - Reverse Engineer Your Dream Life
Look, you can have all the fancy tools and strategies in the world, but they won’t get you anywhere if you don’t know where you’re going. It's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded, hoping to stumble upon the exit by chance.
This is where the power of visualization comes into play.
But sometimes, picturing your ideal life feels like trying to assemble a thousand-piece puzzle with no picture on the box. Your brain goes, “What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at here?” In cases like that, it’s often easier to start with the puzzle pieces you don’t want. Create your anti-vision.
Imagine yourself ten years from now, living a life that makes your soul scream in agony. What are you doing? Who are you with? What kind of work are you slaving away at? What kind of relationships are draining your energy? How do you feel? Get specific. Don't just say, "I don't want to be unhappy." Describe the specifics of your unhappiness. What does a day in this miserable life actually look like?
Focus on What You WANT, Not What You Don’t Want.
While the anti-vision exercise is a powerful starting point, don’t get stuck there. The key is to shift your focus from what you’re trying to avoid to what you’re trying to create. Visualize your ideal life. Feel the emotions associated with that vision. Make it real in your mind.
This shift in focus is crucial. The brain has a negativity bias, meaning it's naturally drawn to threats and dangers. But focusing on negativity can be paralyzing, keeping us trapped in a loop of fear and avoidance. By shifting our attention to what we want, we tap into the brain's reward system, fueling motivation, inspiration, and the creative energy needed to make our vision a reality.
Take each element of your anti-vision and turn it on its head.
Let’s say your anti-vision involves a sterile office cubicle, a soul-crushing commute, and a boss who micromanages your every move. The work itself is tedious, repetitive, and utterly devoid of meaning. You feel trapped, uninspired, and your creativity is slowly withering away.
Now, flip the script:
Instead of a corporate cubicle, you envision yourself working in a bright, inspiring space, surrounded by passionate, creative people. The work itself is challenging, engaging, and allows you to utilize your unique talents and skills to make a real difference. You’re contributing to a purpose you believe in, and your work feels like an extension of your passions.
Instead of a soul-crushing commute, you see yourself working remotely, from a home office or a cozy cafe, with the flexibility to design your schedule around your ideal work rhythms. You’re surrounded by nature, inspired by your surroundings, and free to take breaks for walks, meditation, or creative exploration.
Instead of a micromanaging boss, you envision yourself working with a supportive mentor who trusts your judgment, encourages your growth, and celebrates your successes. You’re collaborating with like-minded individuals who share your values and inspire you to push your boundaries.
Now, I know that sometimes even when we think we know what we want, we end up settling for something that’s in the same ballpark – good enough. But the only way to truly get what you’re after, the only way to make sure your life doesn’t end up as some knockoff version of your dream, is to know with absolute certainty what success is and what it isn’t.
Close your eyes and visualize your ideal future. Make it vivid. See the details. Feel the emotions. The more clearly you can see it, the more real it will become. And the more real it becomes, the more likely you are to achieve it.
- What time do you wake up?
- What are you wearing?
- What are you eating for breakfast?
- What kind of work are you doing?
- Who are you collaborating with?
- What challenges are you tackling?
- What impact are you creating?
- How do you spend your evenings?
- Who are you spending your time with?
- Where are you living?
Don’t just visualize the end goal, visualize the process as well. What steps will you need to take to get there? What challenges will you face? How will you overcome them?
By visualizing both the outcome and the journey, you’re creating a mental blueprint for success. You’re programming your subconscious mind to seek out opportunities, overcome obstacles, and relentlessly pursue your vision.
Step 5 Values - Your Guiding Principles
Think of it this way:
Values are your operating system. They’re the guiding principles that shape your worldview, your priorities, and your decisions. Without clarity on your values, you're essentially running on someone else’s code, operating within a framework that doesn’t reflect your authentic self.
This leads to dissonance, frustration, and a life of perpetual shoulds.
If you ever had difficulties making a decision you were probably not clear on your values. When you know what is most important to you, making a decision is easy.
It’s time to upgrade your operating system, to rewrite the code, to install a program that aligns with your authentic self. The first step to this upgrade is to gain awareness of your current values. Take a deep dive into the inner workings of your being and answer this crucial question:
What's most important to me in life?
Don’t just settle for surface-level answers. Dig deeper. Unearth the core motivations that fuel your desires, the principles that guide your actions, the values that shape your worldview.
Excavating Your Values:
- Inventory Your Emotional Landscape: Reflect on the emotions you crave— the feelings you’re constantly striving to experience. These are your "moving-toward" values, the positive emotional states that drive your actions and bring you a sense of fulfillment.
- Do you yearn for adventure, the exhilaration of pushing your limits and exploring the unknown?
- Do you crave connection, the deep sense of belonging that comes from meaningful relationships?
- Do you desire freedom, the autonomy to design your own life and make your own choices?
- Do you seek creativity, the joy of expressing yourself authentically through your work?
- Do you long to make a contribution, to leave a positive mark on the world?
- Confront Your Shadow: Now, flip the script. Identify the emotions you dread – the feelings you'll do almost anything to avoid. These are your “moving-away-from” values, the negative emotional states that trigger fear, anxiety, and avoidance.
- Does the thought of failure send shivers down your spine?
- Does the possibility of rejection make you want to crawl under a rock?
- Are you haunted by the fear of judgment, constantly worrying about what others think?
- Do you dread loneliness, constantly seeking external validation to fill the void?
By understanding both your moving-toward and moving-away-from values, you’ll gain a clearer picture of the forces that are currently shaping your choices and your life. You'll begin to see the patterns, the recurring themes, the motivations that are driving you, both consciously and unconsciously.
To truly grasp the power of values, we need to make a critical distinction between means values and ends values.
Means values are the methods or tools we use to achieve our ultimate desires, the external markers of success that often seduce us with the promise of happiness. Money, status, power, approval – these are all means values, the shiny objects we chase in the hope that they’ll fill the emptiness inside.
Ends values, on the other hand, are the ultimate desires themselves—the heart-centered motivations, the intrinsic rewards that fuel true fulfillment. Love, connection, creativity, freedom, adventure, growth, contribution – these are ends values, the compass points that guide us towards a life aligned with our soul's deepest desires.
Lets say you value love, family and money. From those only love is an end value. It is the emotional state of love you desire. If you would ask „What does family give you?“ you might answer love and happiness. Those are the ends value you wan to feel. The same goes for money. What does money give you? You might answer freedom and security.
Most people are caught in the trap of pursuing means values, mistaking them for the ends themselves. They believe that accumulating wealth, status, or power will automatically lead to happiness and fulfillment. But those external rewards are simply tools, not the source of true meaning.
True fulfillment comes from aligning our actions with our ends values – from pursuing goals that resonate with our deepest desires and contribute to a purpose larger than ourselves.
Here are a few examples of common ends values:
- Love: Cultivating deep, meaningful connections with others.
- Creativity: Expressing yourself authentically through your work.
- Freedom: Living a life of autonomy and self-determination.
- Adventure: Exploring the world and pushing your limits.
- Growth: Continually learning and evolving.
- Contribution: Making a positive impact on the world.
Discovering your current values is only the first step. The real magic happens when you take ownership of those values and consciously design a hierarchy that aligns with your ideal life.
Ask yourself this powerful question:
What do my values need to be in order to achieve the destiny I desire and deserve?
This question shifts your perspective from passive acceptance to active creation. You’re no longer simply observing your values; you’re becoming the architect of your own destiny.
To create this new hierarchy, you might:
- Reorder your existing values: Perhaps adventure needs to take precedence over security, or creativity needs to trump comfort.
- Eliminate values that no longer serve you: Are you clinging to values that were instilled by others, values that don't truly reflect your authentic self? It’s time to let them go.
- Add new values that will empower you: What qualities or principles would help you become the best version of yourself? What values would support your dreams and propel you towards your ideal life?
- Brainstorm Your Values: Take some time for deep introspection. Reflect on your life experiences, your role models, and the moments that have brought you the most joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Create a list of ten values that resonate with you deeply.
- Rank Your Values: Once you have your list, prioritize it. Rank your values in order of importance, with your most important value at the top.
- Reverse Engineer Your Values: Now, look at your dream life from the previous step and ask yourself: What values would I need to embrace in order to create this reality? Would you need to prioritize courage over comfort? Adventure over security? Creativity over conformity?
- Upgrade Your Compass: Re-rank your list of values, adding new ones, eliminating old ones, and shifting their order to reflect the values that will guide you towards your dream life.
- Values in Action: For each value on your list, write down a concrete example of how you could express that value in your life.
- Value: Financial Freedom (Ends Value)
Action Steps: Create a budget, start a side hustle, invest in your education, downsize your lifestyle. - Value: Success (Means Value)
Reframe: What does “success” really mean to you? Is it about recognition, contribution, making a difference, or something else? Once you’ve identified the underlying *ends* value, you can create action steps that align with that deeper desire.
Step 6 Start with WHY - Your Personal Manifesto
You’ve explored your passions, defined your values, and painted a picture of your vision. Now it’s time to bring it all together and craft a purpose statement that captures the essence of who you are and what you’re here to do.
Don’t overthink it. This isn't about crafting a grandiose manifesto or some earth-shattering declaration. It’s about finding the words that resonate with your soul, that give your actions direction and infuse your life with a deeper sense of meaning.
1. Connect Your Passions and Values:
- Look back at your list of 25 curiosities and the values you've identified. What themes emerge? Where do your passions intersect with your core beliefs?
- Identify the activities, causes, or areas of knowledge that consistently light you up. What makes you feel alive, engaged, and intrinsically motivated?
- Consider how your values inform your passions. For example, if you're passionate about sustainable living and value creativity, you might be drawn to finding innovative solutions for environmental challenges.
2. Find Your Personal "Dent in the Universe":
- What positive impact do you want to have on the world? It doesn't have to be world-changing; it just needs to matter to you.
- Think about the problems you’re passionate about solving, the people you want to help, the change you want to see.
- What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?
3. Craft Your WHY Statement:
Distill your passions, values, and aspirations into a single, concise sentence. It should be personal, meaningful, and actionable. This is your WHY statement.
Here’s a simple formula:
To [Verb] [Target Audience/Area of Focus] by [Action/Method].
This is your North Star, the guiding principle that will illuminate your path and help you navigate the complexities of life.
Let’s say you’re passionate about sustainable living, you value creativity and innovation, and you dream of a world where everyone has access to healthy, affordable food.
Your WHY statement might be: “To empower individuals to live more sustainably by creating innovative solutions for food production.”
Here are some more WHY statements for inspiration:
- To empower women to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit by providing mentorship and resources.
- To experience the world’s diverse cultures and connect with people on a deeper level through shared experiences and authentic connection.
- To inspire creativity in children through hands-on art experiences.
- To promote sustainable living by designing eco-friendly homes.
- To use my creativity to make a positive impact on the world, inspiring others to see beauty in the everyday and empowering them to make a difference
- To cultivate joy and laughter through music.
Step 7 Iterate - Your Purpose is a Journey, Not a Destination
Don't get hung up on finding the "perfect" purpose statement. This isn’t a one-and-done exercise. Your purpose is a living, breathing entity that will evolve as you do.
- Embrace Imperfection: Start with something that resonates with you right now. Your purpose statement doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to be a starting point.
- Trust the Process: The best way to refine your purpose is to put it into action. As you experiment with different pursuits, as you engage in activities that align with your values and passions, as you face challenges and learn from setbacks, your understanding of your purpose will deepen.
- Allow for Course Correction: Don’t be afraid to adjust your purpose as you gain new knowledge, develop new skills, and encounter new possibilities. Life is a journey of constant evolution, and your purpose will evolve alongside it.
Remember: It’s in the act of living, of doing, of creating, that we truly discover who we are and what we’re here to do.
In the words of the great philosopher (and boxer) Mike Tyson, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
Life will punch you in the face. Your purpose will get tested. Your values will be challenged. And that’s okay. It’s in the act of facing those challenges, of adapting, of pivoting, of course-correcting, that we truly discover who we are and what we're capable of.
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